Lab Test
Bellevue - 425-378-1800
Puyallup / Tacoma - 253-847-7646
If you have had a lab test done in the pass 2 years please either email it to for Telehealth visit or if you have an in person office visit with Dr. Leny please bring it during your initial visit
If you do not have any lab test within the pass 2 years, lab test will be determined if needed during the office visit by Dr. Leny
Hormone Panels :
Noninvasive Sample Collection
Patients can collect their samples in the convenience of their own home and mail their samples straight to the laboratory for their provider to receive the results.
Clinical Validity
Today saliva is understood to be the Gold Standard for measuring unbound, active hormone levels in the human body.
Because hormone levels fluctuate over time, noninvasive sample collection allows us to measure at specified time intervals to create a more accurate assessment of hormone levels throughout a day or month. A provider may take these results to compare different periods of patient treatment or other physiological states – such as on hormone replacement therapy. Since patients collect their samples themselves, it is uniquely convenient for patients to collect multiple samples without the hassle or pain of a visit to the lab for a blood draw.
Saliva Testing Advantages
Saliva testing specifically measures free, unbound hormone levels. This is because saliva-producing, or acinar, cells only allow unbound steroid hormones into the salivary ducts. This eliminates the need to estimate how much circulating hormone is present in a patient’s body.
If measuring total hormone levels in serum, calculations are required to estimate levels of free hormone. Even then, the levels are estimates and are not predictably reliable measures of free hormone activity at the tissue level. The advantage of salivary testing is created a useful picture of biologically active levels of hormones at the tissue and cellular level.
Dynamic, Chronobiological Measurements
In order to accurately study how hormones affect a patient, it is necessary to look at hormone levels dynamically. In other words, hormone fluctuations are just as important as their level at any given one point in time. The practice of including a time component to the evaluation of a patient is called chronobiology. There are many well known chronobiological processes: sleep/wake cycles, seasonal mood changes, a woman’s monthly menstrual cycle, etc.
The hormones that influence many of the cycles in our lives can be viewed as markers to check if our body is in a healthy state from a standpoint of chronobiology. For example, multiple sample outpatient saliva testing allows a clinician to monitor the hormone regulation of a woman over her entire monthly cycle! This information can have profound diagnostic significance and can lead to therapeutic strategies which may be overlooked by one sample testing of her hormones.
All major steroid hormones, and select peptide hormones, and antibodies can be readily detected and measured with reproducible results from a patient’s saliva. Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) is the most prevalent laboratory technique utilized in measuring hormones, antigens, and antibodies within the saliva. The process involves using a prepared solution of antibody that is specific for a substance. The saliva sample is exposed to the solution that has the known antibody. If the substance tested for is present in the saliva, the antibody will bond to the substance and an enzyme linked chemical reaction will notify the scientist via a change in color. These test results may be designed to provide either qualitative (“positive” vs. “negative”) results or quantitative results
With these things in mind, saliva analysis through ELISA is an excellent alternative to blood serum testing, as it is is clinically applicable, and scientifically accepted to study a patient’s chronobiology, while also being more economical.
Food Allergy and Sensitivity Testing:
Food Sensitivity Testing
Food Allergy Testing
Inhalant Allergies
Comprehensive urinary patient metabolic biochemistry profile that reflects how well the body is obtaining and utilizing nutrients
Environmental pollutant Test
Total Vitamine D for bone strength and may have implications on other medical conditions including osteoporosis, cancer, multiple sclerosis, and type 1 and type 2 diabetes
How it Works:
In person Office Visit
You will receive your lab requisition during your office visit
You may purchase the test kit from our office
Follow the Test kit direction
Mail your samples to DiagnosTechs in the FREE domestic prepaid shipping box
Your test result will be emailed
Follow up appointment will be to evaluate your test result and customize your treatment plan / medicine
Telehealth Office visit
You will receive your lab requisition during your Telehealth visit
Test kit will be drop shipped (Free of Charge) to your address that you have provided during your Telehealth book appointment
Follow the Test kit direction
Mail your samples and payment to DiagnosTechs in the FREE domestic prepaid shipping box
Your test result will be emailed
Follow up appointment will be to evaluate your test result and customize your treatment plan / medicine
How it Works:
Your lab requisition/ lab order form will be given to you during your in person visit/ Telehealth visit
Schedule your blood draw appointment to the near location
Present your requisition to the phlebotomist
You will receive a copy of your test result via email
Follow up appointment will be to evaluate your lab test and customize your treatment protocol
How it Works:
In person Office Visit
You will receive your lab requisition during your office visit
You may purchase the test kit from our office
Follow the Test kit direction
Mail your samples in the FREE domestic prepaid shipping box
Your test result will be emailed
Follow up appointment will be to evaluate your test result and customize your treatment plan / medicine
Telehealth Office Visit
A requisition/ lab order form will be given to you with a request for Free specimen collection kit drop shipping.
US BioTek billing team will reach out to you to collect payment information for the test within one business day.
After payment has been received, the specimen collection kit will be shipped to you within one business day.
Expect to receive your specimen collection kit 4-5 business days after it has shipped.
Follow the test kit instructions
Mail your test sample
You will receive a copy of your test result via email
Follow up appointment will be to evaluate your lab test and customize your treatment protocol
COVID-19 Testing
How it Works:
You will receive your requisition during your Telehealth appointment
Testing may vary depending on what test is needed for the symptoms your are experiencing to be able to properly treat you
Patients may get the RT-PCR test via nasal swab test or the IgG and IgM antibody panel via blood/ serum
Your lab test result will be evaluated during your follow up appointment to customize your treatment protocol